Oh wow, I don’t know about you, but when I set out on this journey three years ago I had no idea what to expect. To be truthful, I thought I’d find myself running alone in most countries and that I’d have a sponsor by now. Hahaha, it sure has turned out different. I almost never run alone and in one of the countries, 200 people joined me. I still don't have a sponsor but that's okay, so many of you have shown me incredible generosity and support which has gone a long way to helping me and Footsteps To Inspire to reach 52 countries. Isn' that amazing!
This year has been a rocky road. My funds ran dry and I've come so close to having to make a tough decision about ending it all. Yet, in those hours of uncertainty, a light kept shining. Many of you sending messages of support or helping me secure some funds to take a few more steps forward. Nerve-wracking to say the least but we did it. Whether you have helped me with a loan, a donation, an in-kind gestures or with words of encouragement, all of it has contributed to getting Footsteps To Inspire this far and the journey must continue! Footsteps To Inspire is bringing hope to corners of the world where people thought they were alone and forgotten in their struggle. It is inspiring conversation and bringing communities together to talk openly in a safe space through the act of running (and walking, biking, wheel-chairing and even swimming...yup in one country someone did laps in the ocean while we ran on the beach). I'm seeing first hand how Footsteps To Inspire is laying important foundations of change in every country I've been to so far.
Nothing about this journey is easy. I haven't taken a proper holiday since I began running - I know I'm travelling the world but it's all work, I don't get any time off when I'm in a country. A few months ago, I wasn't sure if I had the strength to hear another painful story...gosh some of those stories are horrific, especially when it is a child that shares it. I thought these might be the stories that break me...instead they have become the ones that make me more determined to keep going. We have to end sexual abuse of children. It's more prevalent than most other diseases affecting children on this earth...how crazy is that!
2020 is speedily on its way and the aim it to reach 15 more countries by the end of July. I'll be posting the upcoming country list in the next few weeks so definitely keep an eye on this space or follow along on Facebook and Instagram.
In the meantime, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support. You are part of the reason why Footsteps To Inspire gets to change lives and without you that wouldn't be possible.
Have a wonderful festive season and happy holidays!
Wishing you lots of peace, harmony, laughter and love.
ps. Here are a few photos from recent runs.